
Abstract Dungeon: The Zine - Zine Quest 2020

Created by Matthew J. Hanson

A zine supporting Abstract Dungeon, a fast, fun, story-focused roleplaying game. Issue #1 features sea monsters, ship combat, and more!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Hours to go!
about 4 years ago – Wed, Feb 19, 2020 at 03:04:27 PM

Hello again backers,

There are now just hours left on the campaign. We keep adding new backers and closing in on the next stretch goal to add more content to the third and fourth issues. 

Before we close I just want to give a heads up for those who might be considering the print levels or getting more issues in print. We're offering some deals on the print issues that won't be available after the campaign. In addition to saving a couple dollars off the cover price if you order, we also are offering cheaper shipping through the Kickstarter campaign. US and UK backers get free shipping on the print copies of the zine, while those overseas get a discount.

That's all for now. I'll touch bases again later tonight after the campaign is complete.


One More Day!
about 4 years ago – Tue, Feb 18, 2020 at 09:47:03 PM

Hello Again Abstract Zine Backers,

There are now less than 24 hours left in the Abstract Dungeon Zine Kickstarter campaign! 

The pace has picked up again, and we're now less than $300 away from the $2,000 stretch goal to add another adventure to issue three and expand the page count to at least 40 pages. We raised well over that the first day, so if we have a comparable final day we should hit that with no problem.

Thank you again for all your support thus far, I look forward to getting the first issue of the zine out to you in March and seeing what we all come up with for future issues.

I'm sure I'll check in again tomorrow.


FOUR Issues Funded!
about 4 years ago – Wed, Feb 12, 2020 at 12:06:54 PM

Hello Abstract Dungeon Backers!

Exciting news this afternoon. We just smashed through several stretch goals all at once, and thanks to the a backer at the Request an Issue level, we not only increased the page count of issues one and two, we've unlocked TWO new issues of Abstract Dungeon! (One for stretch goals, and a bonus issue for the Request and Issue level).

Everybody who has pledge at least six dollars or more will now get all four issues in PDF. For those who want them in print, I've also added a couple of new reward levels.

The first is Four Issues in Print, which contains all the unlocked issues at a discount over getting them a la cart.

The second new level is the Year One Megabundle, which contains all the unlocked print issues of the zine, plus a copy of the core rulebook and a deck of monster cards. This level gets even better if we reach the $3,000 level, because if we do, this level gets that final issue for no extra cost.

You are also able to get these new issues as add-ons by simply increasing your the value of your pledge by $7 per issue. We'll then use Back Kit to collect the details of your pledge after the campaign concludes.

One Week Left

Today marks the half-way point in the campaign. That means we have a week left, so let's keep going strong and hopefully unlock some more content. The next stretch goal is to increase the page count of issue three by reaching the a goal of $2,000. 

New Stretch Goals
about 4 years ago – Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 11:06:44 PM

Hello Backers,

Happy Monday to you all. As mentioned last time I've added a few new stretch goals to the campaign to add content to the issues we've already unlocked while we work towards issue three.

First up, at $750 we'll add Castle Blud adventures to the first and second issues.

What is Castle Blud you ask? Twenty ears ago, Baron Blud built a castle in monster-infested lands in hopes of  claiming the territory for himself and his king. For the first few years, it seemed like it was working. Then one night, something terrible slaughtered the people of Castle Blud, a terror that came not from without, but within.

Now a new King hopes again to claim the lands around Castle Blud and has offered noble titles and land grants to anybody who can restore the castle and make the region safe. Enter the player characters, who first venture to the castle, clear it out, explore the lands around it, and discover the secrets of Castle Blud.

Castle Blud is based on one of the first series on convention games I ran with Abstract Dungeon, and holds a special place in my heart. For years I've thought of ways to bring it to the public, and am pleased that we might soon be able to do so. I already have the first adventure written, so this expansion should not delay issue one.

After Castle Blud, at $1,000 we'll add some additional new content to both issues one and two. We'll add an article with 18 new pirate treasure to issue one, and expand issue two to a minimum of 48 pages.

I look forward to unlocking these new stretch goals!


Matthew J. Hanson

about 4 years ago – Sun, Feb 09, 2020 at 12:29:02 AM

Hello Backers!

Thanks to all of you, we've reached our initial funding goal! We are now guaranteed to put out two issues of the Abstract Dungeon Zine.

As mentioned in the description, you the backers will help decide the theme of issue two. The final voting will be after the campaign ends, but you can start nominating ideas any time. Do you want to see castles, dinosaurs, spaceships? I'm sure you all have more ideas than I do. 

Let's Keep Going!

We've hit our initial goal, but we're not stopping there. There's week and a half to go in the campaign, including a trip to my local gaming convention (Con of the North) where I'll be plugging the Kickstarter campaign. Let's keep going full steam ahead, and see if we can fund even more issues, and while we're working on those I've decided to add a few more stretch goals to add more content to issues one and two. I'll have more details on that in the next day or two.

Thank you all again!
